I read pretty much anything, from fantasy (City of Stairs by Robert Jackson Bennett) to romance (Bared to You by Sylvia Day) to classics (Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad). The only genres I don't read are self-help and comic books/graphic novels.
11/12 - I blame Carol (A Voracious Reader) A Voracious Reader for the existence of this review. A few days ago she wrote a review for another of Giggles' books Seeded by X-Mas Tentacles. Her review, http://avoraciousreader.booklikes.com/post/1300205/monster-porn-monday-4 was surprisingly (how often do these strange monster porn Kindles turn out to be rubbish?) quite complimentary. Except for the misleading page count (a problem which this book suffers from, as well) there wasn't much to complain of. I hadn't read any monster porn, but I have read a lot of reviews of dreadful examples of it and read a fair share of other dreadfully written Kindle freebie 'romances', so was interested to read one that wasn't dreadful. Not that this was free or anything, I paid $4 for the 'story bundle' as it's being called, but I figured it was slightly better value as I got three 'books' for the price of two of them, if bought individually.
When it comes to the plot, all I can say is, thank goodness none of my family is on GR - they'd have a heart attack and pepper me with awkward questions as to why I would want to read a book about alien tentacle sex and impregnating human women with alien spawn - and thank goodness for the privacy of a password protected Kindle (no one at home realises that 90% of my Kindle books are romances) - I would probably have a heart attack if my grandad came across a copy of this sitting on the coffee table and wanted to know what it's about.