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Sarah's Library

I read pretty much anything, from fantasy (City of Stairs by Robert Jackson Bennett) to romance (Bared to You by Sylvia Day) to classics (Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad).  The only genres I don't read are self-help and comic books/graphic novels.

Currently reading

The Last Honeytrap
Louise Lee
Progress: 100/346 pages
Complete Works of William Shakespeare
William Shakespeare

The Sweetest Thing (Lucky Harbour, #2) by Jill Shalvis

The Sweetest Thing - Jill Shalvis

29/5 - This was so full of clichéd situations and over-used romance novel tropes (love triangle here we come - has Khanh read this, she'd love it).  One particular scene was so ridiculous, I actually don't think I've read a stupider, more contrived reason to bring about a situation ripe for sex (in a 'serious' romance novel, those 150 page novellas don't count as they have far less pages to work with) to happen.  So, here's a summary of this scene of ridiculousness: Tara is awoken from sleep at midnight by her sister's chainsaw-like snoring.  She tries to go back to sleep, but decides she's hungry and is desperately craving chips.  Unfortunately for her, her sister is a chip-maniac and to save her from chip related morbid obesity all chips have been banned from the house.  What is Tara going to do?  She needs chips!  *Inspiration*  What about the 'next door neighbour' (which is actually a boat, hence the '')?  Ford ('next door neighbour') is sure to have chips, possibly because he's a guy.  What harm would there be in going over there in the middle of the night to steal a packet of chips?  None, none at all.  So, Tara gets out of bed, puts on the first shoes she comes across, which just happens to be a pair of high-heeled wedges.  There's sure to be no one up and about at 12 am, so there's obviously no need to put pants on.  Tara dashes across the 'road' between her house and Ford's boat in her cute wedges, t-shirt and undies and sneaks aboard the boat.  Thank goodness there are indeed CHIPS!  Tara is mid chip-mouthful when Ford makes his presence known.  Sexy times ensue, of course.

But you know what, despite all that, I really enjoyed the book.  I really liked the dynamics between Ford and Mia, not so much Tara and her sisters.  Tara and Maddie seemed distant with each other, and Tara and Chloe seemed to have the kind of relationship that will never be peaceful.  These difficulties are probably realistic for the situation the girls find themselves in - three sisters who didn't grow up together, living and working together and finding romantic relationships all at the same time - I just didn't really enjoy their interactions with each other.  My stomach liked Tara's cooking and I'm definitely going to give the Good Morning Sunshine Casserole a go.  This was the perfect book for my mood - no angst, no violence, very little swearing - just sweet, happy romance that made me feel happy while reading it.