I read pretty much anything, from fantasy (City of Stairs by Robert Jackson Bennett) to romance (Bared to You by Sylvia Day) to classics (Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad). The only genres I don't read are self-help and comic books/graphic novels.
16/11 - A light, fun, 'read it overnight' kind of book that is the opposite of taxing to the reader's brain. There wasn't much going on other than the interaction between 'whatshisname' (forgotten his name already), oh right! Marcus, and Nicola (every time I read her name I think of those cough drops called Ricola, http://www.ricola.com/en-us). We didn't learn about Nicola's background through seeing her interact with anyone from her past, we were simply told everything and then the story moved on. We're told that she has a 'sex kitten' image - kind of a cross between Paris Hilton and Britney Spears - but we don't really see any evidence of that. This 'sex kitten'/slut image all supposedly come from one set of photos from one relationship with one slime bag guy. I really don't think that one mistake would be enough (should be enough, either) to give her the reputation that she's been tarnished with. I felt that Andre was reaching with this part of the plot, which is, of course, Nicola's whole motivation behind going out in an attempt to 'earn' the reputation the media has given her. Neither character really fit the mould of someone who would go out for a night of mindless, nameless sex. I'm really glad nothing happened that first night! If it had I would have enjoyed the story a lot less. There was a small side theme of domination, but it was more like domination-light. A couple of times he 'dominated' her into lifting her hands above her head (shock, horror! he's such an alpha male!), and in the last sex scene he spanks her, maybe three (?) times. He and Gideon Cross are practically dom twins.
After all that, you'd think that I didn't like the book, wouldn't you? But, you'd be wrong. It's just that as I got started writing this review, some of the questionable points that I didn't really think too deeply about last night suddenly became clearer and I thought they were worth pointing out. It was the perfect light break in the middle of the racially charged true crime I'm also reading. I would definitely read more from the series.