I read pretty much anything, from fantasy (City of Stairs by Robert Jackson Bennett) to romance (Bared to You by Sylvia Day) to classics (Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad). The only genres I don't read are self-help and comic books/graphic novels.
31/12 - I've already read both full length novels in this book, Simply Irresistible and The Sweetest Thing, so I'm not reviewing either of those, but my overall rating does reflect my love for them - they really are fantastic stories - plus what I think of the two new novellas. To be continued...
The first novella was Logan's story (Tara's ex-husband) and he was paired with Sandy, a week-long fling he can't stop thinking about. I had some LOL moments at the beginning of the story, picturing Sandy dressed as a particularly rotund Santa in heels who finds herself stuck in the Santa suit thanks to one of those zips that trap you in the most embarrassing costume imaginable. Logan didn't really resemble the Logan I remember from The Sweetest Thing, but five years have passed, so maybe we're supposed to assume that he's grown since he was a dreadful husband to Tara. Logan and Sandy could have filled out an entire novel, sometimes I don't understand the reasoning behind choosing to write a novella rather than a novel.
The second novella was Mia's story (Tara and Ford's now-adult daughter) and she was paired with Nick, a guy she met after leaving for university in New York. I really liked Mia and Nick, although it was a bit weird to be reading about Mia in sex scenes hot enough to rival her parents'. In my head she was still a teenager, until we were finally told that it had been five years since the end of Sawyer and Chloe's book and she was now old enough to star in her own sex scenes. I will definitely keep reading this series, despite being way too short, both of these novellas had all the right elements and reignited my love for the series (which I haven't read any of for quite a while).
Happy New Year to everyone!! I finished this just before our fireworks started and reviewed with one eye on the telecast of them, so this was simultaneously the final book of 2015 and the first review of 2016.