121 Following

Sarah's Library

I read pretty much anything, from fantasy (City of Stairs by Robert Jackson Bennett) to romance (Bared to You by Sylvia Day) to classics (Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad).  The only genres I don't read are self-help and comic books/graphic novels.

Currently reading

The Last Honeytrap
Louise Lee
Progress: 100/346 pages
Complete Works of William Shakespeare
William Shakespeare

The Corpse-Rat King by Lee Battersby

The Corpse-Rat King - Lee Battersby

17/09 - HILARIOUS!!  ABSOLUTELY HILARIOUS!!  The scene when Marius first climbs out of the ground to find himself covered with biting ants nearly had me rolling out of bed with laughter and then only minutes later the tears were falling with my hysterical laughter as I tried to read the scene when Marius walks into the bar, not realising that he looks like a recently-risen dead person.  I say 'tried' because I would read half a sentence and re-imagine the scene and that would set me off again and I wouldn't be able to continue reading for another minute or two.  Highly recommended and I've only read 70 pages.  To be continued...

19/09 - The hilarity has disappeared in the last 100 pages or so, which is a bit disappointing - after my last review I was expecting to laugh/seizure my way through the whole book.  If there are no further scenes like those in the first few pages of the book I might have to deduct a star.  In the middle of the book Battersby seemed to lose his sense of where the story was going and it became a bit rambling and long-winded.  To be continued...

23/09 - I know there's going to be a sequel to this, but I'm not really sure it's necessary.  The final scene of the book seems like the final scene not just of the book, but forever.  I've had to take a star off because the funniness fizzled out after the scene in the bar.  There were a few sniggers when Marius and Gerd were helping King Scorby escape his tomb, especially when Marius had to be naked for the ruse they were playing on the guards to work.  This has definitely intrigued and amused me enough to go looking for more of Battersby's work at the library and to be curious about what he's going to do with the sequel to this one.