I read pretty much anything, from fantasy (City of Stairs by Robert Jackson Bennett) to romance (Bared to You by Sylvia Day) to classics (Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad). The only genres I don't read are self-help and comic books/graphic novels.
Of all of her Highlander heroes and heroines Circenn and Lisa are my least favourite. They didn't seem to be as passionate or as sympathetically written as her other stars. I wanted to love them like I loved the others, but I just didn't connect with them as well as I did with Hawk and Adrienne or Gwen and Drustan et al. So although I really tried to find another reason to give this 4 stars I just couldn't. Not only was the passion lacking, but the humour seemed to be nonexistent, and I've come to rely on Moning for that added extra in her romances. A romance isn't a romance for me anymore if there isn't some humour in it. I also felt Moning wrapped up the ending too neatly, giving Lisa, not just a happy ending, but a deliriously, insanely happy ending.