I read pretty much anything, from fantasy (City of Stairs by Robert Jackson Bennett) to romance (Bared to You by Sylvia Day) to classics (Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad). The only genres I don't read are self-help and comic books/graphic novels.
15/1 - Finally, a mystery that doesn't end with Kinsey being seriously injured by the bad guy. I don't know how she could physically survive the injuries she sustained in B is for Burglar (injuries which required some time in hospital and weeks/months of physical therapy), and still be recovering when she is seriously injured again at the end of C is for Corpse. It kind of reminds me of the indestructibility of Bruce Willis in Die Hard and how impossible it would really be for either of them to keep going after the injuries they had (the ones you could see, not even counting the internal ones you can't). But I really, really like Kinsey and so I don't care that she has the unbelievable indestructibleness of a terminator. I just want to keep reading the mysteries, none of which I've been able to solve before Kinsey does. I was pleased to learn more about the death of Kinsey's parents and the aunt who raised her. Kinsey's living arrangements and general life are the complete opposite to my life, and although I know I wouldn't enjoy the reality I do enjoy reading about her love of her tiny ex-garage apartment and her determination to go running whenever, wherever possible. I do like Kinsey's determined singlehood - I can't stand female characters who spend their books chasing men around, even in a romance I like the heroines to be sassy and independent (as much as possible within the usual romance era).