I read pretty much anything, from fantasy (City of Stairs by Robert Jackson Bennett) to romance (Bared to You by Sylvia Day) to classics (Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad). The only genres I don't read are self-help and comic books/graphic novels.
9/4 - Yep, cheesy as hell, 3.5. A girl (Jana) who dresses as a boy to avoid unwanted attention alone in the mountains, a guy (Ty) hunting a mythically strong (or something) mustang for his breeding capabilities (the horse is also being chased by random other men and a band of rebel Native Americans for the monetary value of his future foals) and one of the mustang's mares who despite being wild has been partially tamed by the girl (enough to allow riding).
Lowell seems to have a fixation with stories where the man thinks that any woman who isn't a perfect lady, must be a whore (not sure why any author would choose that particular trope to fixate on, but you know, each to their own I s'pose). I'm not a big fan of there being no in between for women, or if not at least the same theory should apply for the men (which would make this guy a total whore).
Even at the end he continued to make statements that no one in their right mind could miss as being derisive towards Jana. During their makeup scene he apologised for all the times he'd called her names and made her feel like a slut by saying things like that she was good enough for sex, but not a proper lady and therefore not good enough to be his wife (romantic, huh?) and that he hadn't been trying to deride her, but himself (that excuse would only work in a man's mind or a work of fiction). Of course, everything worked out in the end, but I'm not sure how happy their marriage will be. He still wants a lady who can skilfully manage servants and host lavish dinner parties, but Jana's been living on her own in the mountains for most of the formative years of her life. How's she going to turn from a breast-bound waif into a silk dress-wearing woman fast enough to please Ty?