121 Following

Sarah's Library

I read pretty much anything, from fantasy (City of Stairs by Robert Jackson Bennett) to romance (Bared to You by Sylvia Day) to classics (Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad).  The only genres I don't read are self-help and comic books/graphic novels.

Currently reading

The Last Honeytrap
Louise Lee
Progress: 100/346 pages
Complete Works of William Shakespeare
William Shakespeare

Here Kitty, Kitty (Magnus Pack, #3) by Shelly Laurenston

Here Kitty, Kitty!  - Shelly Laurenston

13/4 - My GOODNESS that woman swears a lot! I'm used to the F word when it's used as another word for sex, but she (Angelina, main character) is so fond of it that it's in almost every other sentence she utters, especially when she's angry, or even just slightly annoyed. I'm not really complaining, just commenting on the fact. While Angelina's swearing up a storm she's pretty damn funny. Some of her responses to Nik and his crazy, unfreakoutable family have had me snorting and LOLing all the way through.

I'm pretty excited about this review because it's the first to be entered into my new review journal - candy pink faux suede with a pink ribbon bookmark (I write my thoughts/review drafts down on paper before I edit and transcribe them to my online blogs, this makes it easier to get my thoughts out while reading in bed). And now I'm off to bed to read and review some more. To be continued...


14/4 - After reading a few of Laurenston's 'Pack' series and around the same number of Leigh's 'Breeds' series over the past few weeks I've found that Laurenston is the superior storyteller when it comes to people turning into animals.  Laurenston's books have a more varied storyline compared to Leigh's (see my Aiden's Charity review for further details).  I do think the women in Laurenston's series are a whole lotta crazy, sometimes unbelievably so, but at least they're funny.  Whereas Leigh's women spend most of the first half of their book fighting the need to mate with the hero, despite, what sounds to me like childbirth-like pain (no children for me, but I've had period pains like you wouldn't believe and I can tell you, feeling sexy is the last thing on my mind, way below throwing up and taking enough drugs to knock me out until 'that time of the month' is over).  In the end what it comes down to is, if given a choice I'd choose Laurenston over Leigh.  In fact, my next choice is Pack Challenge over a number of originally enticing Leigh books that have lost some of their shine since I borrowed them.