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Sarah's Library

I read pretty much anything, from fantasy (City of Stairs by Robert Jackson Bennett) to romance (Bared to You by Sylvia Day) to classics (Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad).  The only genres I don't read are self-help and comic books/graphic novels.

Currently reading

The Last Honeytrap
Louise Lee
Progress: 100/346 pages
Complete Works of William Shakespeare
William Shakespeare

Walkabout by James Vance Marshall

Walkabout - James Vance Marshall

5/7 - This was a set book for literature in about Year 9. Thinking about it now, over a decade later, after only reading it that one time, I'm surprised at how many details of the plot I remember. I didn't love it or hate it, landing at either end of the rating scale usually being the best way to make a book memorable. The 'just okay' books, of which Walkabout was one (from what I remember) tend to be the ones I forget. I'm interested to see if I get more out of this than I did as a 15-year-old. To be continued...


5/7 - Not bad, not bad at all. A solid 3.5. I had a wobbly chin in one scene, which surprised me - that this would be able to evoke an emotional reaction from me was unexpected (only a small one, mind, but it was definitely there). I think I remember feeling disdain for the Aboriginal boy because it seemed to me that he willed himself to death when it wasn't necessary for him to die. His death was a senseless waste. That's what I thought when I was 15. I understand this strange behaviour slightly better now and found myself feeling strong irritation at Mary's irrational fears of the Aboriginal boy. If she hadn't shown fear in her eyes the boy probably would not have died. He'd already gotten over the cold he contracted from Peter and was getting better, but still he believed so fervently that Mary had seen the Spirit of Death in him that he was able to make himself die, make his body give up and shut down. For a slightly forced read so I could review it before donating it to the library this was quite enjoyable. I wouldn't read it again, but would recommend it to someone interested in some classic Australian fiction.