121 Following

Sarah's Library

I read pretty much anything, from fantasy (City of Stairs by Robert Jackson Bennett) to romance (Bared to You by Sylvia Day) to classics (Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad).  The only genres I don't read are self-help and comic books/graphic novels.

Currently reading

The Last Honeytrap
Louise Lee
Progress: 100/346 pages
Complete Works of William Shakespeare
William Shakespeare

Rabit, Run (Rabbit Angstrom, #1) by John Updike

Rabbit, Run - John Updike

3/9 - Right, so Updike is NOT for me, that's clear. I found Rabbit's views and comments on the world depressing and anger-inducing (not rage-inducing because I couldn't raise enough sympathy for the victims of his contempt to get that upset about what he thought of them) and couldn't continue reading those thoughts past page 50. At least I know now and won't continue to wonder whether I'd enjoy the story of 'Rabbit' Angstrom.